Monday, September 1, 2008

Up To Date!

ok, now we're up to date!

What's going on in my life? Well... you'll be sorry you asked.

School started on August 18th. Third grade for my son. This was the first year - the first! - that I actually was NOT looking forward to school. I didn't want the summer to end! I was having so much fun with my son. He hadn't drove me crazy yet! Which is quite the accomplishment, actually. Every other year he's driven me batty by the time school started. So, this summer went *really well*.

Anyway, he's excited about going back, excited about having a man for a reg ed teacher this year... all is going well.

Day 3 of school - we're home sick! Aahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

He's got the flu. Who gets the flu in August?!?! Really?!?! So, he's out the rest of the week with fever and snot everywhere. (sorry)

Ok! Another Monday! Now we're back on track and back to school! It's day 6 of the school year, and we've only been there 2 days. It's ok. No problem...

He attends all week, but with the lingering effects of a cold, he's not really 100%. It's only the 2nd week of school, so he can't be missing too much... right??

Now, it's Labor Day weekend. We're pretty much over our sickness (except for a lingering cold), and it's the last "official" weekend of summer - let's go out and enjoy it, right?

WRONG! Let's stay home cooped up all weekend with the STOMACH FLU!

Kill me now....

I don't believe this. Honestly. I don't. This kid gets sick more often any ANYONE I know. Unbelievable.

It's Labor Day and school starts back up again tomorrow. I "think" he's ok to go back. No more "stomach issues" (ahem) as far as I can tell. He still has some snot issues, but that we can deal with that.

I'm ready for "normal". Please, please... PLEASE bring me some normal!!!


Lisa Clarke said...

Oh, blech. Back-to-back illness is the *worst*. I hope everything gets back to normal soon!

Michele said...

Man! Poor guy and poor you! Hopefully he's feeling fine and going to school today!